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Writer's picturePaula Anderson

Celebrating solopreneurs

by Paula Anderson

In 2020, Writing by Design Media, Inc. interviewed Lori Reeves about her experience with the Covid pandemic. She was focused on teaching business owners how to build websites. Since that time, she has shifted her business model to a monthly coaching program to help solopreneurs with building brand awareness and strengthening their business infrastructure.

Below is a recent Q & A with Reeves about her new business concept.

Lori Reeves/Courtesy photo

Q: What inspired you to be an entrepreneur?

A: I've always had big dreams of freedom and wealth, but for a long time felt like they were just pipe dreams and out of reach. That was, until I read The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. That book was filled with ideas for "ordinary" people to build businesses and it sparked a new world of possibility within me. As I started doing more research and learning more, I found that there was a LOT to learn and I felt very overwhelmed and confused. I vowed that, as soon as I figured it all out, I would help others do the same. And that's what began my journey of helping people build their businesses.

Q: What challenges have you faced since starting your business?

A: My challenges have always centered around pivoting to better serve my clients. I began as a web designer and found that many of the entrepreneurs coming to me were hoping that I would hand them a better business when I turned over the keys to their new website. But I wasn't equipped to help them (at that time) with their messaging, which is what I felt they needed help with. So, I took a step back, got certified as a copywriter, and pivoted to offer copywriting and messaging services in addition to web design. Shortly after that, as I started working with clients on their messaging, it was obvious that yet another piece of the puzzle was missing. They couldn't answer the questions I asked them about their business (the questions that would yield the information to construct compelling copy). So many people take the oft-heard advice to "start before you're ready" and interpret the advice to mean "start before your foundation is built." So I pivoted once again to help people solidify their core business foundation. Each of these pivots has taken me time and caused my business to ebb and flow. But they also brought me to the point I'm at now, where I offer services that I KNOW are helpful and aren't leaving any gaps unfilled. It's the most fulfilling work I've ever done and brings me such joy!

Q:What is your inspiration to keep going when obstacles arrive?

A: I just keep thinking about the people who really WANT to help others but end up throwing in the towel on their business because they couldn't figure it all out. It's my mission to help anyone who believes they can make a change in the world get the best chance possible to make that change (and build a lucrative business while doing it). I'm so passionate about the work I do in the world that no obstacle could push me to the point where I'd give up. In fact, I don't even allow quitting to be a possibility. I'm in it for the long haul.

I have a low-cost ($7/mo) group program and also serve clients in a 1:1 capacity.

Q:What advice would you give to a new entrepreneur?

A: Build your community. You simply cannot be successful sitting behind a screen or trying to do everything yourself. It takes time and sometimes feels uncomfortable to put yourself out there and build those relationships, but that's really the only way you'll succeed.

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This story was originally published March 31, 2023.

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